Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let's Swing Baby

Tuesday 11/11

Tuesday morning. The sun was not up yet, but we were. We woke up at 5:00 and went down to the bicycles within half an hour. When we went downstairs, the two receptionists were asleep on benches. And outside the guard was sleeping in a hammock right next to our bikes. At least he woke up the moment we approached the bikes. This all seemed very unsafe that there was total three of them and all sleeping. But it's their choice!
We set our bikes ready and off we went. But not for long, soon we stopped at a place for breakfast. They had just opened for the day. They said that they don't have any breakfast food. So we asked for some scrambled eggs with meat, and they also added some rice to the dish. It turned out to be a grand breakfast! We seized the internet for a bit and then we were ready to cycle.

Our grand breakfast!

The hot morning sun came, but not for long, soon clouds appeared and it started to rain! I was very happy, not only the crazy heat was gone, but it was raining! I love rain!! Needless to say, we kept cycling in the rain. Some woman that was passing by on a scooter was indicating to her back. I asked Pedro if my back was just wet or wet and dirty, and dirty it was! But I was not bothered much. :D
It was soon coming to break time and Mr Peter Lamb had an idea to buy hammocks that we could rest in during breaks. I was very sceptical about thus idea, because finding a place for hammock is hard, and would be even harder for two. We turned into a temple and there Pedro found a nice tree where we were able to hang the hammocks. It was brilliant!!!
At the temple area there was also a school for monks. One of the young fellas thought us how to tie knots for the hammocks so we would not fall, and also so we could easily untie them when needed. 

Peter Lamb resting.

We rested for a very long time, had some snacks to eat and blogged some bit. While sleeping a big bug landed on Pedro's neck. He threw it to the ground. It looked like two leaves stuck together. Very strange creature. 

The strange insect.

At one point a few kids showed up, they sat on benches that were right next to us and just stared at us like we were animals in a zoo. The feeling was very unpleasant. Actually the staring follows us everywhere we go! I think after this one would be ready for a reality TV show where filming goes on 24/7.
When it was about three o'clock in the afternoon it was time to keep rolling, we both knew that it would get dark before six. And so it did. We were in a town Boeng Khnar and asked people where is a guesthouse or a hotel where we could rest in, but again most people did not understand or did not know.
Then Pedro asked some kid if he knew where we could sleep, and the kid pointed back towards where we came from, Pedro kindly asked if he could show us, and the kid gladly did. It was less than 100 meters back. Lucky us they even had a room for us! The price was 6.50$. We took the bikes inside the room, so we did not have to worry about their safety. We then went to the next doors 'restaurant' for some dinner. And then it was bed time!

Marta and Pedro. :)

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